What to Write in a Father's Day Card

When first deciding what to write in your Father’s Day card, here are some quick suggestions:

  1. 1. Think of his personality and what your relationship means to you.
  2. 2. Highlight how his role impacts your family, for a heartfelt touch.
  3. 3. Focus on happy Father’s Day messages like love, respect and gratitude (examples below!) to express your feelings.
  4. 4. Consider using Father’s Day quotes, perhaps from authors or celebrities you admire. (See our selections under “Father’s Day Quotes.”)

Then sign your name with pride and get ready for the smiles!

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Father's Day Card Messages For Your Dad

The Strong, Silent Type

Since he’s a man of few words, he’s going to know all about saying the most with the least amount of words and reading between the lines for the deeper message. If you’re going for the plain and direct sentiment, it might read something like:

  • I’ll get right to the point — you’re a great dad, and you’re loved very much.
  • You really are the best, Dad. End of story.
  • Everything you’ve done makes me so proud to be in this family — I love you!
  • Hope all the love you’ve given to our family comes back to you a hundred times over today!

The Funny Guy

If you’re more likely to share your Father’s Day message in a kidding way, it can be fun and affectionate at the same time.

  • Happy Father’s Day, Dad. And thanks for everything. (Okay, great talk!)
  • Let’s be honest — you wouldn’t have this special day if it wasn’t for me [us]!
  • Thanks for raising me to be an upstanding member of society, with only minor exceptions.
  • Happy Father’s Day from the one who has tested your limits in just about everything — you’re welcome!

The Sensitive Old Softie

These guys can handle a little sentimentality, so you might want to turn up the love, pride, or gratitude.

  • I’ll never be too old to need you, Dad.
  • Hope you know how much I’ll always love, respect and appreciate you.
  • Dads like you are rare — which makes me the luckiest [daughter/son] in the world.
  • So much of who I am is because of what you taught me, Dad.

Father's Day Quotes

Father’s Day quotes are a great way to honor the special bond between dads and their kids. From words of wisdom to warm sentiments that express your love and appreciation, these famous quotes offer an alternative way to get your message across.

  • “To the world, you are a dad. But to our family, you are the world.” — Unknown
  • “Family isn’t always blood. It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs. The ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile, and who love you no matter what.” — Maya Angelou
  • “To her, the name of father was another name for love.” — Fanny Fern
  • “Dad is, and always will be, my living, breathing superhero.” — Bindi Irwin
  • “Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” — Michael J. Fox
  • “A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.” — Unknown

Father's Day Card Messages From Daughter

Dads and daughters have a very special bond. Whether you’re his cherished princess, shining star or the cause of his early hair loss, you’ll want your message to spark a smile. When choosing what to write in a Father’s Day card from a daughter, you could say:

  • Thanks, Dad, for all the times you lifted me up and encouraged me to reach for the stars.
  • “My mother gave me my drive, but my father gave me my dreams.” — Liza Minnelli
  • If I didn’t have you as a role model, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. Thank you, Dad!
  • No matter how old I get, I’ll always be “daddy’s girl.” Happy Father’s Day with lots of love!
  • You deserve a day to relax, Dad! Happy Father’s Day from your “wild child.”

Father's Day Message From Son

Here are just a few examples:

  • Happy Father’s Day to the best dad in the world, from the luckiest son in the world.
  • Dad, I’m so proud to be your son. You inspire me every single day. Thanks for everything!
  • Thanks, Dad, for always being there and cheering me on! Happy Father’s Day from your loving son.
  • Thanks for passing along your great advice, good looks and bad jokes! Happy Father’s Day from your “chip off the old block!”
  • Wishing you an epic nap day! Happy Father’s Day with love, [Your Name]

Not Your Biological Father But Your One True Dad

Your dad may not be in your family bloodline, but he’s been there every step of the way. He’s had a real influence on your life and deserves to know how you feel about him.

  • fa - ther (n.) Someone who cares and helps and guides you. (Shared DNA not required.)
  • Just thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life.
  • So much of who I am is because you made a brave and loving choice to be here for me.
  • I feel like we were meant to be family, and I’m so glad we are!

Dads Who Make Time and Spend Time

Dads who are an active part of their children’s lives are not only great role models, but real superheroes! They’re the ones who coach soccer teams, chaperone a school trip, show up at plays and performances, build forts and share the best bedtime stories. They’re there both physically and emotionally — listening, guiding and creating lasting memories. Even if the kids have all grown up and moved miles and miles away, these dads remain engaged and invested every day. You could honor such a dad in one of the following ways:

  • Thanks for teaching me how to [do the thing], Dad. It’s so much a part of who I am today.
  • Your love of [photography] taught me to [look at things from a unique perspective].
  • No one masters [the grill] the way you do! Love you and [your cookouts]!
  • For all the wonderful things you do that I might forget to acknowledge, thank you.

Hard Workers, Mentors Or Any Kind of Dad

If there’s one thing all dads everywhere want to be recognized for, it’s the hard work they put into being a good father. You really can’t go wrong with a simple “I notice.”

  • For all the words of wisdom that you didn’t know I followed, thank you.
  • You were right, Dad — now that I’m older, I DO understand. And I love you and thank you for everything.
  • Not a day goes by when I don’t feel very, very lucky to have a dad like you.
  • You may not know this, but every day I feel grateful for all you’ve done for me.

Father’s Day Card Messages for All Dad Relationships

You may also plan to give a Father’s Day card to your brother, son, or spouse on Father’s Day — entirely different Father’s Day messages altogether, of course. Child or parent, spouse or sibling, in-law, step-son or step-dad, grandpa or father figure — knowing what messages to write in a Father’s Day card is never a one-message-fits-all situation. You want to say just the right thing in your Father’s Day card to make it special, just for him.

Father’s Day Card Messages for Father-in-law

Your father-in-law has brought you in as part of his own family, and he’d love to know how much he means to you on Father’s Day. You can compliment him on the job he did raising the partner/spouse you love so much, or your pride in being part of your new family. (You may even call your father-in-law “Dad.”) He may also be a caretaker or grandparent to your kids, so shout it out!

  • The kids love you to pieces! Happy Father’s Day from all of us!
  • Celebrating all the wonderful parenting you’ve done that has brought [name of spouse] to me.
  • You and your family mean the world to me, and I’m so proud to be part of it as your daughter/son-in-law.
  • Thanks for all the time, support and love you give to our family, Dad – Happy Father’s Day!

Father’s Day Card Messages for Male Friends

Your guy friends have kids! So of course they’d love a shout-out from you about the great job they’re doing as a dad. Give them the props they deserve with a compliment to their parenting style and how you admire this amazing role they’ve added to their life. Better yet, offer to babysit!

  • You’re such a great, caring person — I always knew you’d be the best dad ever.
  • You’re doing a great job — but if you ever need a sitter, bring the kids here!
  • Cool, kind, dedicated — that’s you as a friend but also as a parent. Happy Father’s Day!
  • It’s so awesome to see my friend getting all the love he deserves from such a wonderful family!

Father’s Day Card Messages for Son-in-law

Your son-in-law is co-parenting with your own child and has become a part of your family. Maybe you’re close enough to think of him as one of your own. Father's Day messages that let him know how much he is appreciated or how much he does for your family are always appropriate and sincere.

  • Our family is so proud to have you in it!
  • You’ve given us the joy of such amazing grandkids — and you’re such a wonderful dad to them.
  • Happy Father’s Day to the best son-in law I/we could ever have hoped for.
  • The way you take care of our son/daughter and your whole family is to be applauded!

Father’s Day Card Messages for Son

Your son is a father, and what could be better? He’s given you a grandchild (or more than one) to spoil of course! But he’s also passing on your family traditions to one or many of his own. And there’s nothing more special than seeing your own children with their children, at any age.

  • When you were in diapers, I couldn’t have imagined how good you’d be at changing them yourself!
  • There is nothing more wonderful than seeing your own child as a parent — you make me so proud.
  • Lucky, grateful and proud at the kind, caring, amazing parent you are.
  • You are a hero not just to your kids, but to me/us too. Happy Father’s Day with lots of love!

Father’s Day Card Messages for Brother

When your brother is a parent, it’s pretty darn special. He’s also given you nieces or nephews to hang out with! (If you’re a sister this is particularly sweet. Ask any sister and you might get more sappy vibes than you expect.)

  • Wow, you’re doing this dad thing in the most amazing way. You’re so impressive! Love you lots, Brother!
  • Thanks for giving me the absolute cutest, sweetest little nieces/nephews to enjoy!
  • I always knew you’d be the best dad because you’ve been the best brother. HFD XO
  • I’m beyond proud to be an aunt/uncle to your kids. (Just look at my Instagram feed!)

Father’s Day Card Messages for Brother-in-law

First, you might want to thank your brother-in-law for putting up with everyone — you know you’re all a lil’ crazy. He’s also the steady support for your beloved sibling and father to your nieces or nephews. This is the guy who shares with you a love for the same amazing member of your family. Sweet, funny, or heartfelt — just thank him for being so amazing in general!

  • Thanks for taking care of my brother/sister and creating the cutest little family ever!
  • You guys do such a great job with your kids, and you can tell they love you to pieces!
  • Love to see all the love in your family.
  • Couldn’t be happier that you’re part of this crazy, wonderful family. Happy Father’s Day

Father’s Day Card Messages for Husband

This guy is your everything, even before you had kids. You’ve shared so much, you’ve built a family, and he’s become your partner in keeping these amazing individuals safe, happy and loved. That’s a lot to give, as you well know! Just let it all out and tell him how there isn’t a better person on the planet anywhere!

  • You are a hero in this family — our children feel safe, loved and are great kids because of what you give to them.
  • Happy Father’s Day — there is no dad on this planet as kind, awesome and loving as you.
  • I’m so proud to be sharing life, love and our wonderful family with you.
  • You’re not just a wonderful man, you’re a wonderful father and husband. I couldn’t ask for more!

Father’s Day Card Messages for Significant Other

One day is not enough to honor how special your significant other is to both you and to the children in your life. But Father’s Day is the perfect time to tell him how much he’s loved and appreciated. Anything goes, so show him you notice every little thing he does — and that your kids do, too.

  • It’s the courage and dedication you give that make you such an amazing father.
  • Thank you for the love and care you give to this family — I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else but you.
  • You make me happy, you make the kids happy, and you make our life happy!
  • The kids are so lucky to have you as a hero and role model in their life.

Father’s Day Card Messages for a Spouse

The person you share your life with has dedicated as much of himself as humanly possible to your family. Tell him why he deserves every bit of praise for stepping in, stepping up and truly stepping out as the best dad ever.

  • I love our life and everything we’ve build together — our family is everything to me.
  • Being a good father is the most difficult thing a man can do — and you are so amazing at it.
  • Our life isn’t always the easiest, but you are the hardest working, most loving dad there is.
  • Hope the love you give our kids comes back to you a hundred times over today. You deserve it!

Father’s Day Card Messages for Your Uncle

Uncles may or may not carry an official dad title, but they sure do the things a dad does. Some have their own families, some are stand-in dads, some are mentors, caregivers, or close family friends. Last we checked, they don’t get their own day to boast a medal. So show them how important they are on Father’s Day!

  • Happy Father’s Day, Uncle! Hope today you feel loved and appreciated for all you do [for me or for your own family].
  • With all the advice and support you give, you’ve earned the title Best Uncle Ever!
  • Nothing makes me happier than knowing I have an uncle who loves me as much as you.
  • You’ve always taken such good care of me — I’m not your own child, but you treat me as if I were, and that means the world to me.

Father’s Day Card Messages for Your Grandfather

Every culture has their own nickname for gramps, but his support for you, your spouse and/or your children remains the same. Give granddad the cred he deserves on Father’s Day.

  • Every memory I have with you has instilled in me a sense of family, love, tradition and pride. We love you so much!
  • Thank you for building a wonderful family that I am so proud to belong to (and raise my own children in). Happy Father’s Day!
  • My kids love you so much — knowing how much love you give to them means the world to me.
  • You are loving, wise, and the greatest hero anyone in our family could ever have.

Father’s Day Card Messages for Nephew

If your nephew has kids, you can bet you’re extra-proud to see your sibling/cousin’s son as a dad himself! Any words of praise telling him the great job he’s doing will go a long way to make your Father’s Day card to your nephew extra meaningful.

  • I’ve always been proud of you but even more so now that you’re a dad. Happy Father’s Day
  • Our family tree is bigger, stronger and more loving with such a great father like you in it!
  • Your kids are just as great as their dad is — hope you enjoy every minute of your special day!
  • On Father’s Day, hope you get some time to relax and take a break from being the great dad you always are!

Father’s Day Card Messages for Your Grandson

If your grandson is a dad, well, you’ve got quite the generational spread going — and you yourself deserve points for being the founder of this multi-generation celebration! Surely you’ll have words of wisdom to pass on and of course immense pride in seeing your child’s child as a father, who has also given (or are giving) you great-grandkids to cherish.

  • So proud that you are one of the great generations of amazing fathers in our family.
  • Nothing would make me/us more proud as your grandparent/s than to watch you continue to be the wonderful father you already are. Happy Father’s Day with love.
  • So long ago, it was you in diapers, and now here you are changing them yourself — so impressed by you; so proud of you!
  • Time has brought so much love to our family — nothing makes me happier than to see you passing on our traditions to your own children.

Father’s Day Card Messages for Pet Dads

Pet dads are furrific people. They’re pawsitively awesome in every way! It’s also been said that the emotional connection to our pets can be just as strong as it is for other humans. Celebrate the guys who give so much love to their sweet pets — it would mean the world to them to hear they’re doing a great job!

  • You give [Barkley] such an amazing life and loving family — wishing you lots of love, [wags] and [licks] in return on Father’s Day!
  • If your pet could talk I bet [s]he’d tell you that she actually chose you. Happy Father’s Day
  • You’re a pawsitively amazing [dog] dad and [Barkley] is so lucky to have you!
  • [From pet]: Dad, I love you! Thank you for taking such good care of me!

Father’s Day Card Messages for a Father Figure

Sometimes a dad is one who loves, supports and cares without having an official title. There is no limit to what they give as a father figure in a child’s life, and there’s no limit to how much you should praise them for it.

  • It takes a lot of courage and love to take such good care of our whole family — that’s exactly why I’m celebrating you today. Happy Father’s Day
  • Not everyone carries an official father title, but as far as I’m/we’re concerned, you’ve got one with us!
  • A father is someone who cares and helps and loves even if you're not his own. Wishing you the Happy Father’s Day you deserve, with lots of love.
  • You're like a father to me — and today, I just want to thank you for always showing you care and want you to know the truly wonderful impact you’ve had on me.

Father’s Day Card Messages for a Cousin

Way to go cousins who are dads! Any messages you write in your Father’s Day cards that say you think your cuz is a great father certainly won’t go unappreciated!

  • Cheers to being cousins, cheers to being parents! (I think we’re doing a great job, should we ask our parents?) Happy Father’s Day!
  • Way to keep our family growing bigger and more awesome than ever! Happy Father’s Day
  • Your kids must feel so proud to have a great dad like you. Hope you enjoy the wonderful Father’s Day you deserve.
  • You are a cool, kind and loving dad — thanks for being a great "dad example" in our family.

Father’s Day Card Messages for a Co-worker

We spend so much time with our co-workers doing amazing things, so celebrate the people who master the art of balancing being a dad with being an amazing colleague!

  • Wishing a really great guy and co-worker a really great Father’s Day!
  • Happy Father’s Day and enjoy spending time with your adoring family.
  • You better not even think of working on Father’s Day!
  • If your kids are like you, they’re probably awesome, too!

Father’s Day Card Messages for a Boss

Your boss is your colleague, mentor and friend. Why not celebrate this other role they have that makes them the wonderfully well-rounded person they are!

  • You are an inspiration to so many — your family must appreciate you as much as we do!
  • Wishing a great boss all the happiness you deserve on Father’s Day.
  • Thank you for being such a great boss and mentor — your kids must be so proud of you.
  • Happy Father’s Day to our fearless leader! Enjoy every minute celebrating with your family.

Father’s Day Card Messages for a Teacher

Great teachers inspire us every day, so inspire them with some words of support and thanks — messages that say “thank you for sharing your time” with your children or with you are perfect, especially when they have families of their own.

  • You are looked up to and appreciated — you’re the best! Hope your Father’s Day is as great as you are!
  • A great teacher like you is probably the greatest dad, too. Happy Father’s Day
  • Time is important, so thank you for sharing your time with our family. Happy Father’s Day
  • Thank you for helping my [son/daughter] grow to be a kind, respectful, happy student — hope Father’s Day brings happiness your way, too!

Father’s Day Card Messages for a Coach

If your coach or your child’s coach is a parent, no wonder they’re so good at leading the way! Why not give them props and thanks for the time they spend with you and/or your family, too?

  • You always give so selflessly. Wishing a great coach a great Father’s Day.
  • Committed, dedicated, caring and wise — thank you for all you do.
  • Thank you for sharing your time with me — hope you have a wonderful Father’s Day celebrating all the things that make you so amazing!
  • Happy Father’s Day to the man who is teaching me how to be the best man I can be.

Whether you come up with something sweet, witty, or wise, only you know what makes the dad in your life so special to you — and that’s what he really wants to hear.

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